Panel Discussion: The AI Effect on Credit Worthiness

On September 9, 2021, senior practitioners and decision makers in the financial services industry came together at the ForHumanity AT->GO Conference to examine the shortcomings and opportunities of automating the credit provisioning process. Quite a lot was covered in ninety minutes, so for your on-demand convenience, we have broken it down into twenty bite sized pieces.  Enjoy!

  • Paul Lashmet (Moderator) - ForHumanity Fellow and Managing Director at North Castle Integration
  • Marino Vedanayagam - Head of Risk, Business Governance and Controls, Institutional, Americas at ANZ Bank
  • Nick Curcuru - VP Advisory Services at Privitar
  • Peter Memon - Head of Analytics at FactSet
  • Ted Frisch - Strategic Sales at Fiddler AI

  • View as YouTube Playlist


    ForHumanity is a tax exempt public charity that is establishing audit rules, standards, guidelines and where appropriate, public policy for all Artificial Intelligence (AI) and autonomous systems in the areas of Ethics, Bias, Privacy, Trust, and Cybersecurity.

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    ForHumanity grants North Castle Integration permission to display AT->GO Conference recordings on its website and links back to the website. This limited license is granted for such time as either party may choose to either revoke permission or discontinue displaying the recordings.