
Maximizing Innovation: Great Proof of Concept! Now What?

Maximizing Innovation: Great Proof of Concept! Now What?

Great feats of innovation can die a slow and unremarkable death if they are not adopted by the organization.  Adoption requires a comprehensive approach to integration that recognizes the importance of how people work as well as a sound, technical implementation.  By keeping the solution simple and promoting the value of that solution through broad community feedback, you can maximize the adoption of innovative solutions across the organization.

Use Artificial Intelligence to Automate Commentary in Excel

Use Artificial Intelligence to Automate Commentary in Excel

This video shows how Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language Generation can be used to automatically generate a clear and concise narrative from Excel data.  We then directly use that commentary as an email response. The demo is purposely plain (no flashy colors and it is operational in nature) because we want to show how this tool can be used in an everyday, impromptu situation.